Making Your First Bonsai Kit
You need only 4 or 5 basic tools in your bonsai tool kit. Inexpensive tools may not last as long or stay as sharp as higher quality tools so choose them carefully when shopping. Each tool has a specific function to help care for your Bonsai tree properly and you can purchase tools for your kit from a local garden supply store, a tree nursery or from home on the internet.
A Bonsai tree must be trained, shaped and pruned regularly. Wire netting is used to shape and train the tree to a desired shape. Basic tools such as Bonsai trimming shears, knob cutters, wire cutters and a root hook or rake will work to keep it healthy. Here is a list of basic tools to keep in your Bonsai kit.
7″ Bonsai Satsuki Shears
This tool has a 3/4″ blade that is perfect for trimming buds. For the beginner, it works great on smaller indoor plants. Trim buds back being sure to make a clean cut to prevent damage to the plant. Healing of the scar will be prolonged if a clean cut isn’t made so try not to splinter the bud. Don’t use your Satsuki shears for general household tasks so they will stay sharp.
Bonsai Trimming Shears
Also called bud scissors, the Bonsai trimming shears are an essential tool in the Bonsai tool kit. It’s an excellent time saving tool for trimming smaller branches and roots. Be sure that the shears open and close easily. If they don’t, you may need to apply a coat of oil. This tool has small finger holes for ease in trimming and a sharp blade for a clean even cut. Don’t use it on large branches to minimize scarring. A small hand saw works best on branches larger than 1 1/2″ in diameter.
8″ Concave Pruners
This tool may be the most often used tool in your Bonsai kit. Also called concave branch cutters, they are used to cut branches off close to the trunk of the tree. The cutting edge is very precise, allowing for minimal scarring when a vertical cut is made. To prevent splitting, use a hand saw on larger branches.

Knob Cutter
The knob cutter has a ball-shaped head similar to that of a melon ball cutter. It is used for cutting away roots and knobs. Spherical in shape, it makes a hollow cut that allows scars to heal rather quickly. This tool works better than an everyday garden tool because of its ability to nip away at dead knobby stubs and is thus a great addition to your kit. You may also find it in a garden supply store labelled wen cutter.
Traditional Bonsai Wire Cutters
This tool has a rounded head and short blade. It measures 7 3/4″ and is used to cut away wire that is used for training and shaping a Bonsai tree. The rounded head gives it the ability to cut away wire without straining yourself, causing aching arms, back and shoulders. Bonsai wire cutters work better than a pair of long blade wire cutters because you have more control over the cutting motion. They are an essential part of your Bonsai tool kit.
Bonsai Rake or Root Hook
The Bonsai rake keeps roots disentangled and is also used in planting and re-potting your Bonsai. If you keep this tool in your kit rather than a conventional garden rake, the roots will not be damaged. A 3 pronged Bonsai rake works great on outdoor plants, while using a 1 or 2 pronged rake works better for indoor plants.
To properly shape and prune your Bonsai tree, the tools listed above should be kept in your Bonsai kit. The blades should stay sharp when the tools are cleaned and oiled after each use. Because they are designed specifically for pruning, shaping and training Bonsai trees, you should get better results than if you use everyday gardening tools. There should be minimal damage to the tree itself with little scarring.